Tuesday, March 25, 2008 @ 12:56 AM

Erny, Cheewei, Richard

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Happy Birthday Erny, Cheewei, Richard!

S.I.T Club wish you have an wonderful birthday.
All the best in everything you do!

S.I.T. Club

::Published by exco0809::

Monday, March 24, 2008 @ 11:59 PM


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Happy Birthday Jeffrey!

S.I.T Club wish you have an wonderful birthday.
All the best in everything you do!

S.I.T. Club

::Published by exco0809::

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 5:19 PM

Camp Eagle 2008


Date of Event: 04th & 05th March 2008
Venue: Nanyang Polytechnic

Camp Eagle - A camp to bring out the leadership in each individual as well as experiencing fun. Through this camp, we hope that it would strengthen each individual and getting them prepared for the coming orientation. Most importantly, coming together as one, working like one family!


Day 1

Day 2

Camp EAGLE was an amazing experience which led me to find out more about myself as well as learn how to bring out the leader in one's self. Through this experience i have fostered a great bond with many campmates and learned a great deal from one another. The camp has shown me the many ways in which a leader can lead and how to work better with others. I am truly glad to have gone to camp EAGLE which has indeed helped me become a better leader.

Aaron(DEI), Participant

I find camp eagle was a fun and exciting, was able to learn alot from Sir Kelvin himself and make alot new friends. I believe that getting to know each other during the camp itself helps me to work better with them during the OGL planning. So overall i think camp eagle was a good leadership camp for all of u.

De Cong(DIT), Participant

I get to know more new friends, build up my courage.
Though it's tiring, i enjoyed it and we OGLs bonded as ONE

Quek(DMIT), Participant

Camp Eagle was thoroughly fun, but besides that, we all made new friends & learn things like survival skills which applies alot in real life. Camp Eagle have also strengthened the bond between all of us, regardless of our different groups. This made working with each other in the planning stage alot easier and enjoyable.

Janice(DMIT), Participant

I believe everyone who did attend this two-days-camp, will never feel regret. Well, it's not about having fun & enjoying the games activities, but, it's also about gaining the most valuable learning experience for all of us. Through this too, that's when the campers, creates/forms the team of potentials leaders. Thanks to Sir Kelvin & Excos for this wonderful event ! Well, wishing all the OGLs, all the best for the upcoming FOs 2008/09(: Good luck !

Aida, Diploma Coordinator of DEI

Through this camp eagle, I have learnt how to analyse people and also to stay alert and be friendly with my group. I feel nostalgic about camp eagle which is 1 year ago that i have fun with the games with my team mates 1 year ago. Campers all the best with the planning stage for FMO.

Raymond, Diploma Coordinator of DIT

Camp Eagle is a fun, exciting and a learning camp for the freshmen.
Not only did the freshmen learn something new, but we, excos also.
From excos, to become seniors, it was not that easy tho.
We have to change the way we treat towards them.
However, seeing the freshmen from different courses bonding together,
says that nothing is impossible.
Wishing all the best to the new batch of OGLs!

Nana, Diploma Coordinator of DMIT

Although I have been through Camp Eagle once, I'm still having that sense of belonging and it feels great to see the OGLs bonded together and working as a team. Camp Eagle is great project which you really can tear when you see them enjoying themselves and learning at the same time. With the aid of EXCOs and the inspiring camp instructor, Sir Kelvin, we had a really great time doing all the background jobs and never once complain about the tough and tiring physical task handed to us. Thumbs up!

Zhiyang, Sports Department

::Published by exco0809::

Who are we?

Being A Happening Club in NYP,
We Organised Events Of All Kinds
Be It Sporty, Racing,Singing Or
Even Clubbing! So Come Join Our
Events And Have Fun.

Our contact.

Email us at:
Or visit us at our clubroom,
L.609 for more information.

Happy birthday!

Month of: May
▪ 3rd; Michael.

Month of: June
▪ 11th; Jing Xian & Zhi Yi.
▪ 15th; Marcus.
▪ 18th; Jie Ying.

Month of: July

▪ 3rd; Angel.
▪ 4th; Alvin & Joel.


Exco 2005/2006
Hall of Fame 2005
Camp U.P
Camp Eagle 2006
Xtreme Venture II
6-A-Side Captain's Ball
BandzOut 2006
VoiceOut 2006
Phat Nite 3
S.I.T Chalet 06
EXCOs 05/06 Last Words

Exco 2006/2007
AGM 2006
Sports Championship 06/07
X'mas Fete
Camp Victor Fox
Camp Eagle 2007
Xreme Venture III
VoiceOut 2007
BandzOut 2007
Phat Nite IV
EXCOS 06/07 Last Words

Exco 2007/2008
AGM 2007
Sports Champ 07/08
Camp Euphoric
NYP Open House 2008
Camp Eagle 2008
VoiceOut 2008
BandzOut 2008
Phat Nite V
EXCOs 07/08 Last Words

Exco 2008/2009
AGM 2008
EXCOs 08/09 First Words
Sports Champ 08/09
NYP Open House 2009
Camp Eagle 2009
VoiceOut 2009


Layout by: Husna
Maintained by: Joel & Angel
Birthday Flash by: Marcus & Husna